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Our Commitment
Our Commitment
Health, Safety, and the Environment (HSE) is a major concern in HONEYLAND. Honeyland Management believes as a matter of fact that all incidents can be prevented. The whole organization is committed to challenging goals for controlling risk and safeguarding against anyharmful effects from its business activities. While managementcommitment remains indispensable, we believe that an HSE culturewith strong employee engagement is necessary to make our zeroincident targets not only attainable but also sustainable.
- Zero Loss
- Zero incident
- No harm to people
- No damage to property and environment
- Ensuring that no activity takes precedence over Health, Safetyand Environment.
- Creating and sustaining a safe and healthy environment for allpersonnel.
- Educating every employee, subcontractor and Clientrepresentative on the personal responsibility for HSE.
- Identifying and eliminating hazards before they become HSEissues.
- HSE program, goals and results arepublished and updated on regular basisin the company HSE report
- Management holds the responsibility tocommunicate the requirements of thispolicy to all our employees, contractorsand visitors and to involve them in itsimplementation.
- Each employee has a personalresponsibility to comply with thispolicy.
- HSE is an important part of our totalquality management (TQM) system.
- All health, safety and environmentalprograms are audited on a regularbasis to confirm and mprove ourperformance against the requirementsof this policy.
At HONEYLAND, we are dedicated to becoming an industry leader in corporate citizenship by creating a sustainable future for generations to come. We strive to integrate our long term economic, environmental and social dimensions into the way we successfully operate our business.
Our environmental commitment is to reduce the global impact of our operations which enables both HONEYLAND and our Clients to function more resourcefully through improved health, education and environmental protection.
HONEYLAND is committed to a working environment that minimizes the risk to the safety and health of all employees. We make every effort to address both the environmental and health impact of our operations by sustaining an incident and injury free work environment. One of our main priorities is to give back to communities in which we live and work. In addition to supporting the development of new engineering manpower services and successful project execution around the world, we provide direct social benefits to millions of people in need. We continue to leverage our social commitment through volunteerism, employee giving, and support of global and local non-profits.
At HONEYLAND we believe that Social Responsibility is integral to the long term sustainability of our organization. Much of our social responsibility activities are centered on Youth development, Training, Engineering Education, Health, Safety and Environment in our projects.
Local Content development is an initiative of the Federal Government of Nigeria with a view to developing local capacity in the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry and enabling Nigerians participate actively in the sector. It can be seen as the utilization of the Nigerian human and material resources in the exploitation and exploration of the Nigerian hydrocarbon resources. HONEYLAND as a 100% Nigerian owned company is committed to achieving the Nigerian Content vision of the Nigerian Government to transform the oil and gas industry into the economic engine for job creation as well as for national growth by developing in-country capacity and indigenous capabilities.
- Institute the highest degree of Nigerian indigenous capability workable without compromising Client’s objectives.
- Engage competent and qualified local sub-contractors to provide technical and non-technical services and support.
- Employ and train young Nigerian engineers, technicians and management staff such that similar projects in the future might attain increasingly higher levels of Nigerian participation.
- Exploit the potential for project revenues to remain in Nigeria